Defense presentation of Mr. Abhishek G S | Thu 20-Feb | 11 AM | ME Auditorium
Dear All,
I am pleased to invite you to attend PhD defense presentation of Mr. Abhishek G S. The title and abstract are attached. The event details are below.
Date: Thursday, 20 February 2025
Time: 11 AM
Venue: ME Auditorium
Board of examiners:
1. Chairman : Prof. Ashutosh Suresh Gandhi, Met.Engg. & Materials Science
2. External Examiner : Prof. Gandham Phanikumar, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai - 600036
3. Internal Examiner : Prof. Mogadalai Pandurangan Gururajan, Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science
4. Supervisor : Prof. Shyamprasad Karagadde, Mechanical Engineering
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Tea will be served at 10:45 AM.
Abstract: Attached
Best regards,